The Difference Between an Occupation and a Profession


When most people think of work, they think of either their occupation or their profession. But what is the difference between these two terms? An occupation is a job that someone does in order to earn money. A profession, on the other hand, is a job that requires specialized training and knowledge. It is a calling, not just a way to make a living. So which one are you?

What Does an Occupation Entail?

Most people have an occupation. An occupation is a necessary part of life for most people because it is how they make their living. It is a job that someone does in order to earn money. An occupation can be anything from being a doctor to being a cashier at a grocery store. Most occupations do not require any special training or education, although some may require a few weeks or months of on-the-job training.

What is a Profession?

A profession is not just a job, it is a calling. A profession is a job that requires specialized training and knowledge. For example, professions such as medicine, law, and teaching are all considered to be professions. To be a part of these professions, one must go through years of schooling and training. Additionally, most professions require licenses or certifications in order to practice.

When it comes to some hobbies like playing games at casino777, there are professional players that compete in tournaments for a living. They make a career out of playing video games and are considered to be professionals.

Key Differences Between the Two

The main difference between occupation and profession is the amount of training and education required. There are also other factors that can help you tell the two apart. Let us take a look at some of these differences:


When it comes to

, an occupation can be obtained with just a high school diploma or equivalent. Some occupations may even only require on-the-job training. A profession, on the other hand, requires years of schooling and training. Medicine, for example, is a profession that requires a four-year bachelor’s degree followed by four years of medical school.

Work Schedule

An occupation typically has a set work schedule. For example, most office jobs have a 9-5 workday. Some occupations may have irregular hours, but the work schedule is typically still known in advance. A profession, on the other hand, often does not have a set work schedule. Doctors, for example, may have to work long hours and be on call.


An occupation typically has a set income. Your salary is usually known in advance and does not fluctuate much. A profession, on the other hand, often has a variable income. For example, doctors may make more money if they work more hours or are in higher demand.


An occupation can be done anywhere. For example, you can be a cashier in New York or Los Angeles. A profession is often location-dependent. For example, you usually have to be near a hospital to be a doctor.


An occupation is typically not regulated. For example, there is no license required to be a cashier. A profession is often heavily regulated. For example, you need a license to be a doctor.

These are just some of the differences between occupation and profession. To sum it up, an occupation is a job that someone does in order to earn money, while a profession is a job that requires specialized training and knowledge.

Summing Up

Now that you know the difference between an occupation and a profession, which one are you? As you can see, an occupation seems to be quite broad and to an extent include a profession in it but the two words cannot be used interchangeably. Occupation is the larger concept while the profession is a subset of occupation.